Class: AmazonElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings


new AmazonElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings()

Name Type Description
DeviceName String Required: Yes. The name of the device within the EC2 instance, such as /dev/dsh or xvdh.
Ebs AmazonElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs Required: Conditional. The Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume information.
NoDevice Boolean Required: No. Suppresses the specified device that is included in the block device mapping of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
VirtualName String Required: Conditional. The name of the virtual device. The name must be in the form ephemeralX where X is a number equal to or greater than zero (0), for example, ephemeral0.