Class: AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions


new AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions()

Name Type Description
Command String Required: No. The CMD value to pass to the container. For more information about the Docker CMD parameter, see
Cpu Number Required: No. The minimum number of CPU units to reserve for the container. Containers share unallocated CPU units with other containers on the instance by using the same ratio as their allocated CPU units. For more information, see the cpu content for the ContainerDefinition data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API Reference.
DisableNetworking Boolean Required: No. Indicates whether networking is disabled within the container.
DnsSearchDomains String Required: No. A list of DNS search domains that are provided to the container. The domain names that the DNS logic looks up when a process attempts to access a bare unqualified hostname.
DnsServers String Required: No. A list of DNS servers that Amazon ECS provides to the container.
DockerLabels Map Required: No. A key-value map of labels for the container.
DockerSecurityOptions String Required: No. A list of custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. For more information, see the dockerSecurityOptions content for the ContainerDefinition data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API Reference.
EntryPoint String Required: No. The ENTRYPOINT value to pass to the container. For more information about the Docker ENTRYPOINT parameter, see
Environment AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment Required: No. The environment variables to pass to the container.
Essential Boolean Required: No. Indicates whether the task stops if this container fails. If you specify true and the container fails, all other containers in the task stop. If you specify false and the container fails, none of the other containers in the task is affected. This value is true by default.You must have at least one essential container in a task.
ExtraHosts AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry Required: No. A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container.
Hostname String Required: No. The name that Docker will use for the container's hostname.
Image String Required: Yes. The image to use for a container, which is passed directly to the Docker daemon. You can use images in the Docker Hub registry or specify other repositories (repository-url/image:tag).
Links String Required: No. The name of another container to connect to. With links, containers can communicate with each other without using port mappings.
LogConfiguration AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration Required: No. Configures a custom log driver for the container. For more information, see the logConfiguration content for the ContainerDefinition data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API Reference.
Memory Number Required: Yes. The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container. If your container attempts to exceed the allocated memory, the container is terminated.
MountPoints AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints Required: No. The mount points for data volumes in the container.
Name String Required: Yes. A name for the container.
PortMappings AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings Required: No. A mapping of the container port to a host port. Port mappings enable containers to access ports on the host container instance to send or receive traffic.
Privileged Boolean Required: No. Indicates whether the container is given full access to the host container instance.
ReadonlyRootFilesystem Boolean Required: No. Indicates whether the container's root file system is mounted as read only.
Ulimits AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit Required: No. A list of ulimits to set in the container. The ulimits set constraints on how much resources a container can consume so that it doesn't deplete all available resources on the host.
User String Required: No. The user name to use inside the container.
VolumesFrom AmazonEC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom Required: No. The data volumes to mount from another container.
WorkingDirectory String Required: No. The working directory in the container in which to run commands.