DeliverLogsPermissionArn |
Required: Yes. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that permits Amazon EC2 to publish flow logs to a CloudWatch Logs log group in your account.Update requires: Replacement |
LogGroupName |
Required: Yes. The name of a new or existing CloudWatch Logs log group where Amazon EC2 publishes your flow logs.Update requires: Replacement |
ResourceId |
Required: Yes. The ID of the subnet, network interface, or VPC for which you want to create a flow log.Update requires: Replacement |
ResourceType |
Required: Yes. The type of resource that you specified in the ResourceId property. For example, if you specified a VPC ID for the ResourceId property, specify VPC for this property. For valid values, see the ResourceType parameter for the CreateFlowLogs action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.Update requires: Replacement |
TrafficType |
Required: Yes. The type of traffic to log. You can log traffic that the resource accepts or rejects, or all traffic. For valid values, see the TrafficType parameter for the CreateFlowLogs action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.Update requires: Replacement |