AutoEnableIO |
Required: No. Indicates whether the volume is auto-enabled for I/O operations. By default,
Amazon EBS disables I/O to the volume from attached EC2 instances when it determines
that a volume's data is potentially inconsistent. If the consistency of the volume
is not a concern, and you prefer that the volume be made available immediately if
it's impaired, you can configure the volume to automatically enable I/O. For more
information, see Working with the AutoEnableIO Volume Attribute in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.Update requires: No interruption |
AvailabilityZone |
Required: Yes. The Availability Zone in which to create the new volume.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
Encrypted |
Required: Conditional. Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. Encrypted Amazon EBS volumes can only be
attached to instance types that support Amazon EBS encryption. Volumes that are created
from encrypted snapshots are automatically encrypted. You cannot create an
encrypted volume from an unencrypted snapshot or vice versa. If your AMI uses
encrypted volumes, you can only launch the AMI on supported instance types. For
more information, see Amazon EBS
encryption in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
Iops |
Required: Conditional. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. For more information about the valid sizes for each volume type, see the Iops parameter for the CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
KmsKeyId |
Required: No. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Key Management Service master key that is used to
create the encrypted volume, such as
If you create an encrypted volume and don't specify this property, the default
master key is used.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
Size |
Required: Conditional. The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiBs). For more information about the valid sizes for each volume type, see the Size parameter for the CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.If you specify the SnapshotId property, specify a size that is
equal to or greater than the snapshot size. If you don't specify a size, Amazon EC2
will use the size of the snapshot as the volume size.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
SnapshotId |
Required: No. The snapshot from which to create the new volume.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |
Tags |
Required: No. An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this volume.Update requires: No interruption |
VolumeType |
Required: No. The volume type. If you set the type to io1, you must also set the Iops property. For valid values, see the VolumeType parameter for the CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.Update requires: Updates are not supported. |