Class: DBSecurityGroup


new DBSecurityGroup()

Name Type Description
EC2VpcId String Required: Conditional. The Id of VPC. Indicates which VPC this DB Security Group should belong to.Update requires: Replacement
DBSecurityGroupIngress AmazonRDSSecurityGroupRule Required: Yes. Network ingress authorization for an Amazon EC2 security group or an IP address range.Update requires: No interruption
GroupDescription String Required: Yes. Description of the security group.Update requires: Replacement
Tags resourcetags Required: No. The tags that you want to attach to the Amazon RDS DB security group.Update requires: No interruption


  • WKResource


new DBSecurityGroup()

Name Type Description
EC2VpcId String Required: Conditional. The Id of VPC. Indicates which VPC this DB Security Group should belong to.Update requires: Replacement
DBSecurityGroupIngress AmazonRDSSecurityGroupRule Required: Yes. Network ingress authorization for an Amazon EC2 security group or an IP address range.Update requires: No interruption
GroupDescription String Required: Yes. Description of the security group.Update requires: Replacement
Tags resourcetags Required: No. The tags that you want to attach to the Amazon RDS DB security group.Update requires: No interruption


  • WKResource